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1.   Bhai Chainrai'' Sami''(1743--1850)

About the middle of the last century flourished the first major Hindu poet to be found in the history of Sindhi literature. He enunciated Vedantic principles in his poetry, which have so many points in common with Sufism, and employed the shlokas of Sanskrit poetry akin to the Sindhi doheera form. He was Bhai Chainrai, and adopted the pen-name of "Sami" in honour of his master Sami Menghraj, on account of which the vast body of his writings is called Sami-ja-Shloka. Sami is regarded as the last of the trinity of great Sindhi poets—-the other two being Shah and Sachal. Just as Shah had said about his poems : "What you think are baits are really holy verses", so also Sami claimed : "I am reciting in Sindhi the sayings of the Vedas". In Sami's shlokas there is a detailed exposition of Vedantic philosophy; but in spite of being mainly religious, didactic and repetitive, there is a sincerity of feeling in his writing and his style and imagery are so colourful that he can easily claim the status of great poet. Here are two specimens from the thousands of his shlokas.

1.             Satgur purkh sujan, rakhyo hath-u mathe te ;

                Ve-ee nikri man moon, Sami khincha tan.

                Vasya mengh mahir ja, bhariya mena nihan,

               Achi beetha pan, sanamukh muhinja supreen.

Translation :

My true and wise Guru put his hand upon my head;

And all the tussle, Sami says was banished from my mind

Showers of mercy fell, and my eyes were filled like fountains ;

The Lover himself came and stood face to face with me.

2.             Lekhe vidho lur, Sami chae sansar men.

                Ashiqu charhiya achh te, panjaee kare pur,

                Sanamukh superyan je, lae vetha jhur,

                Jeean gungo khae gur, mushke kushe keenakee.

Translation :

Money has created all the commotion, Sami says, in the world,

But lovers have vanquished the five foes and ascended the white heaven.

Face to face with the Lover, happy rain-clouds in their eyes,

They are like a dumb man, eating treacle, unable to speak or to smile.