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Dewan Lilaramsingh

Dewan Lilaramsingh

Another dramatist whose plays were performed by the above-mentioned Sind CollegeDramatic Society was Dewan Lilaram-Singh, who wrote two original plays on widow remarriage and other social themes : Soorjan-Radha (1895) and Mohan-Tarka. He collaborated with his brother Lokumal in adapting two plays from the " Mahabharata " : Harishchander (1894) and Draupadi (1905), and also dramatized Ramayana (1898) in two parts. His style is a happy compound of simple Sanskrit and Sindhi phraseology as befits his subjects.

Lilaramsingh was also a poet of no mean order who wrote under the pen-name of " Khaki " and published his Dewan Khaki, as already recorded under the poetry section.